Limbert Ebon Oak Inlaid Rocker Accurate Replica

Accurate Replica of the rare "Ebon Oak" Limbert Oak and Ebony inlaid rocker with arched and curved arms over single slats with long corbels. The rockers are steam bent. One of the most interesting Arts and Crafts period rocker designs. Shown in an Arts and Crafts fabric, available in leather. This form in an arm chair is also available. Available in various stain colors and woods including Oak, Mahogany, Walnut and Curly Maple.

Product ID: #3888

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Back cushion.

Back cushion.

Front view.

Front view.

Detail Ebony inlay in front leg, excellent quarter-sawn oak grain in the arched front stretcher and the dowel pinned mortise and tenon constructed joint.

Detail Ebony inlay in front leg, excellent quarter-sawn oak grain in the arched front stretcher and the dowel pinned mortise and tenon constructed joint.

Close-up of Ebony inlay on front leg, the excellent hand selected quarter-sawn oak in the arched front stretcher and the quality textured Arts and Crafts fabric.

Close-up of Ebony inlay on front leg, the excellent hand selected quarter-sawn oak in the arched front stretcher and the quality textured Arts and Crafts fabric.

Detail fabric cushions.

Detail fabric cushions.

Detail excellent quarter-sawn oak grain on top of arched arm.

Detail excellent quarter-sawn oak grain on top of arched arm.

True Ebony inlay on the back leg and the dowel pinned mortise and tenon joint construction.

True Ebony inlay on the back leg and the dowel pinned mortise and tenon joint construction.

Close-up view of the arm which arches upward and outward supported midway by a single slat with a long corbel.  The front leg with the Ebony inlay pierces the top of the arm with it's pinned through-tenon construction.

Close-up view of the arm which arches upward and outward supported midway by a single slat with a long corbel. The front leg with the Ebony inlay pierces the top of the arm with it's pinned through-tenon construction.

Side view.

Side view.